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Celebrate the deep beauty of mid-winter with Living Tree Alliance as we gather to honor the holiday of Tu BiShvat, the birthday of the trees. With programs for all ages, we’ll build our relationship with the earth and with each other.
We’ll gather at 1 pm, with the choice of three program options:
Tracking and nature exploration for families with guest leader Elliot Cluba
Song, crafts, and nature stories for little ones
Ashkenazi herbalism workshop, with raspberry syrup making
After that, we’ll gather together around a bonfire for singing, stories, and cake to celebrate the trees’ birthday! We’ll cap off our time together with sledding and other winter fun on Living Tree’s beautiful property.
A few more details:
Be sure to dress warmly for outdoor activities.
If there’s snow, you’re invited to bring sleds, skis, and snowshoes for outdoor fun on the property.
Snowshoes available for rent at Clearwater Sports
Tu BiShvat falls approximately halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. As the trees become another year older, this holiday invites us to consider the ways we can live in reciprocity with Mother Nature.