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Waitsfield Planning Commission (1st Tuesday)

June 6, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm


The Waitsfield Planning Commission transitioned from a 9-member board to a 7-member board in 2006 to coincide with the formation of a Development Review Board.  The DRB has taken on the development review duties that were carried out by the 9-member Planning Commission, which will allow the new Planning Commission to focus solely on its long-range planning, legislative, and other duties.  The 9-member board will dissolve when it completes it development review caseload.

The Planning Commission is authorized to carry out the following duties (see 24 V.S.A. Section 4325):

(1) Prepare a plan and amendments thereof for consideration by the legislative body and to review any amendments thereof initiated by others as set forth in subchapter 5 of 24 V.S.A. Chapter 117;
(2) Prepare and present to the legislative body proposed bylaws and make recommendations to the legislative body on proposed amendments to such bylaws as set forth in subchapter 6 of 24 V.S.A. Chapter 117;
(3) Administer bylaws adopted under this chapter, except to the extent that those functions are performed by a development review board;
(4) Undertake capacity studies and make recommendations on matters of land development, urban renewal, transportation, economic and social development, urban beautification and design improvements, historic and scenic preservation, the conservation of energy and the development of renewable energy resources and wetland protection.  Data gathered by the planning commission that is relevant to the geographic information system established under 3 V.S.A. § 20 shall be compatible with, useful to, and shared with that system;
(5) Prepare and present to the legislative body recommended building, plumbing, fire, electrical, housing, and related codes and enforcement procedures, and construction specifications for streets and related public improvements;
(6) Prepare and present a recommended capital budget and program for a period of five years, as set forth in 24 V.S.A. 4440, for action by the legislative body, as set forth under 24 V.S.A. 4443;
(7) Hold public meetings;
(8) Require from other departments and agencies of the municipality such available information as relates to the work of the planning commission;
(9) In the performance of its functions, enter upon land to make examinations and surveys;
(10) Participate in a regional planning program;
(11) Retain staff and consultant assistance in carrying out its duties and powers;
(12) Undertake comprehensive planning, including related preliminary planning and engineering studies;
(13) Perform such other acts or functions as it may deem necessary or appropriate to fulfill the duties and obligations imposed by, and the intent and purposes of, this chapter.

Members and Terms

Planning Commission members are appointed for four-year terms.  The initial terms were staggered so that no more than three positions will expire at any one time.

Members When
Robert Cook 2017 Mar. 2025
Alice Peal 2019 Mar. 2026
Kevin Anderson 2020 Mar. 2024
Brian Voigt 2014 Mar. 2026
Steve Shea 2015 Mar. 2023
Emma Hanson 2021 Mar. 2026
AnnMarie Harmon 2018 Mar. 2024


The Planning Commission meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, 7:00 PM, at the Waitsfield Town Office.   Members are urged to let staff know as early as possible if they will be unable to attend a scheduled meeting so arrangements can be made to ensure a quorum.


June 6, 2023
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Event Categories:


Town of Waitsfield
(802) 496-2218
View Organizer Website


Waitsfield Town Offices
4144 Main Street
Waitsfield, VT 05673
+ Google Map
(802) 496-2218
View Venue Website

Lawson's Finest Liquids - Sip o; Sunshine

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