
Mad River Valley Community Calendar

Powered by Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce and The Valley Reporter

The Mad River Valley Community Calendar is The Valley’s most comprehensive events calendar. All are invited to submit their event here:


Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce and The Valley Reporter logos

Women’s Mid-Week Alpine Clinic

The Women’s Mid-Week clinics are for women and taught by women using positive attitude, tactics and techniques to help you achieve your skiing goals. This eight-week program meets for 2-hour sessions on Thursday mornings. Dates: Thursdays – January 9, 16, 23, 30 February 6, 13, 27 & March 6 (No session 02.20.25) Time: 10:00 am […]

Graybeard’s Clinic

The Graybeard’s Clinic is designed for men who are intermediate to advanced skiers. The clinic will focus on learning to fully enjoy the Mad River Glen skiing experience by deepening fundamental skills and then applying those skills to the varied terrain that makes Mad River special. Participants will learn to ski groomers and the bumps better and […]

Women’s Telemark Tuesday Clinic

Telemark ski programs by women, for women using positive attitudes, tactics and techniques to help you achieve your skiing goals. This program is designed for intermediate telemark skiers and above. Eight 2-hour lessons on Tuesday mornings. Space is limited. Dates: Tuesdays – January 7, 14, 21, 28 February 4, 11, 25 & March 4 Time: […]

Women’s Mid-Week Alpine Clinic

The Women’s Mid-Week clinics are for women and taught by women using positive attitude, tactics and techniques to help you achieve your skiing goals. This eight-week program meets for 2-hour sessions on Thursday mornings. Dates: Thursdays – January 9, 16, 23, 30 February 6, 13, 27 & March 6 (No session 02.20.25) Time: 10:00 am […]

Women’s Alpine Ski Clinic

Alpine ski clinics by women, and for women using positive attitudes, tactics and techniques to help you achieve your skiing goals. The price per day includes the clinic and lunch. Dates: Saturdays – January 4, February 1 & March 1 Time: 9:30 am until 3:00 pm Cost: $249/day or $309/day with lift ticket RESERVE NOW

Graybeard’s Clinic

The Graybeard’s Clinic is designed for men who are intermediate to advanced skiers. The clinic will focus on learning to fully enjoy the Mad River Glen skiing experience by deepening fundamental skills and then applying those skills to the varied terrain that makes Mad River special. Participants will learn to ski groomers and the bumps better and […]

Women’s Telemark Tuesday Clinic

Telemark ski programs by women, for women using positive attitudes, tactics and techniques to help you achieve your skiing goals. This program is designed for intermediate telemark skiers and above. Eight 2-hour lessons on Tuesday mornings. Space is limited. Dates: Tuesdays – January 7, 14, 21, 28 February 4, 11, 25 & March 4 Time: […]

Women’s Mid-Week Alpine Clinic

The Women’s Mid-Week clinics are for women and taught by women using positive attitude, tactics and techniques to help you achieve your skiing goals. This eight-week program meets for 2-hour sessions on Thursday mornings. Dates: Thursdays – January 9, 16, 23, 30 February 6, 13, 27 & March 6 (No session 02.20.25) Time: 10:00 am […]

Women’s Telemark Clinic

Telemark ski clinics by women, and for women use positive attitude, tactics and techniques to help you achieve your skiing goals. Dates: Saturdays – January 11, February 8, March 8 Time: 9:30 am to 3:00 pm Cost: $249/day ($309/day with lift ticket)

Graybeard’s Clinic

The Graybeard’s Clinic is designed for men who are intermediate to advanced skiers. The clinic will focus on learning to fully enjoy the Mad River Glen skiing experience by deepening fundamental skills and then applying those skills to the varied terrain that makes Mad River special. Participants will learn to ski groomers and the bumps better and […]

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