
Mad River Valley Community Calendar

Powered by Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce and The Valley Reporter

The Mad River Valley Community Calendar is The Valley’s most comprehensive events calendar. All are invited to submit their event here:


Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce and The Valley Reporter logos

Pick-Up Ultimate Frisbee

Brooks Field – Warren Elementary School 296 School Rd, Warren, VT, United States

Come join in the fun — Mad River Disc hosts weekly pick-up games and an annual tournament, The Mad Hatter. Where: Brooks Field, Warren VT When: May – November; Mondays […]

Karaoke Night at Emily’s Bar and Bistro

Emily’s Bar & Bistro 5081 Main Street, Waitsfield, VT

Emily’s Bar and Bistro hosts their famous Karaoke nNight on the first Monday of every month. Join in on the fun!

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Design/Build for Public Spaces

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

You will engage in the hands-on process of designing and building a full-scale community project alongside a nonprofit partner or local community member. Class kicks off with a client meeting […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Design/Build for Public Spaces

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

You will engage in the hands-on process of designing and building a full-scale community project alongside a nonprofit partner or local community member. Class kicks off with a client meeting […]

The Round Up

The Sweet Spot 1178 Senor Road, Warren, Vermont, United States

All are welcome! This is a free event that has Food trucks, Music, and Spirits. A place where friends, families neighbors gather for good conversations, tasty food, and a good […]

Mad River Glen Wednesday Night Live Music Series

Mad River Glen 57 Schuss Pass Road, Waitsfield

Come on up to Mad River Glen every Wednesday for live music and tasty vitals and libations at general Stark’s Pub! Check out the line up! 7/12 Medicine Tribe Trio […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Design/Build for Public Spaces

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

You will engage in the hands-on process of designing and building a full-scale community project alongside a nonprofit partner or local community member. Class kicks off with a client meeting […]

Pub Trivia w/ MRV Libraries

Hostel Tevere 203 Powderhound Rd, Warren, VT, United States

Bring a team and compete for prizes with four rounds of “Salty, Bitter, Sour & Sweet” themed trivia hosted by the Mad River Valley Libraries. Call the restaurant at (802) […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Design/Build for Public Spaces

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

You will engage in the hands-on process of designing and building a full-scale community project alongside a nonprofit partner or local community member. Class kicks off with a client meeting […]

Mad River Valley TV FUNdraiser

Mad River Valley Television 5031 Main St, Waitsfield, VT, United States

Join the MRV TV team at the studio for an afternoon of fun including live music, hot dogs and veggie burgers, soft drinks (BYOB anything else) and studio tours! We’ll […]

MRVTV’s Annual FUNdraiser

Mad River Valley Television 5031 Main St, Waitsfield, VT, United States

Starting at 5pm on Friday and going until sundown, join us as in the sideyard next to MRVTV studio in downtown Waitsfield. We will have live music, light fare for […]

Duxbury Historical Society Yard Sale

Duxbury Historical Society Center 459 VT Route 100, South Duxbury, Vermont, United States

DUXBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY’S ANNUAL LETS-MAKE-A-DEAL YARD & BAKE SALE SEPTEMBER 9 Join us on Saturday, Sept. 9th for the Duxbury Historical Society’s annual fundraising event, the Let’s-Make-A-Deal Yard & Bake […]

Waitsfield Farmers Market

Mad River Green 105 Mad River Green, Waitsfield, VT, United States

Welcome to the Waitsfield Farmer’s Market.  We’re a unique collective of Vermont farmers, makers, bakers, and shakers in the heart of the Mad River Valley. Local produce, plant starts, fruit […]


Lawson's Finest Liquids - Sip o; Sunshine