
Mad River Valley Community Calendar

Powered by Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce and The Valley Reporter

The Mad River Valley Community Calendar is The Valley’s most comprehensive events calendar. All are invited to submit their event here:


Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce and The Valley Reporter logos

Design/Build for Public Spaces

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

You will engage in the hands-on process of designing and building a full-scale community project alongside a nonprofit partner or local community member. Class kicks off with a client meeting […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Design/Build for Public Spaces

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

You will engage in the hands-on process of designing and building a full-scale community project alongside a nonprofit partner or local community member. Class kicks off with a client meeting […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Design/Build for Public Spaces

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

You will engage in the hands-on process of designing and building a full-scale community project alongside a nonprofit partner or local community member. Class kicks off with a client meeting […]

Button Up Weatherization & Home Heating Workshop

Waterbury Municipal Center 28 North Main Street, Waterbury, VT, United States

Is it finally time to weatherize your drafty house? Do you always feel cold at home in the winter? On Friday, Nov. 10 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM Waterbury LEAP […]

U-32 Craft Fair

U-32 High School 930 Gallison Hill Rd. 930 Gallison Hill Rd, Montpelier, Vermont, United States

U-32 Fall Craft Fair Join us for the U-32 Craft Fair on Sat, November 11 from 9am-3pm. Over 85 Vermont artists and handcrafters plus a raffle and student fundraising tables. […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Design/Build for Public Spaces

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

You will engage in the hands-on process of designing and building a full-scale community project alongside a nonprofit partner or local community member. Class kicks off with a client meeting […]

Author Reading at Inklings Children’s Books!

Inklings Children’s Books 106 Mad River Greeen, Waitsfield, VT, United States

Inklings Children’s Books is so excited to welcome author Kristen Vincent on Saturday, November 11th at 10am! HOPE BENEATH THE TREE is a heartwarming must-read that follows two children on […]

Eleva Chamber Players “The Baroque Effect”

Waterbury Congragational Church Route 100, Waterbury, VT

The Eleva Chamber Players will explore the influence of Baroque music through the ages by performing Telemann’s Concerto in F for 3 Violins Respighi’s Ancient Airs & Dances Suite 3, […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Design/Build for Public Spaces

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

You will engage in the hands-on process of designing and building a full-scale community project alongside a nonprofit partner or local community member. Class kicks off with a client meeting […]

Decorative Mending Workshop

Warren Public Library 413 Main Street, Warren

Repairs to torn clothes don’t need to be invisible — they can be decorative! Susan Snider will demonstrate techniques for visible mending using patches and embroidery and will assist participants […]

Eleva Chamber Players “The Baroque Effect”

Inn at the Round Barn 1661 East Warren Rd, Waitsfield 1661 East Warren Rd, Waitsfield, Vermont, United States

The Eleva Chamber Players will explore the influence of Baroque music through the ages by performing Telemann’s Concerto in F for 3 Violins Respighi’s Ancient Airs & Dances Suite 3, […]

Empty Bowl Benefit

Zenbarn 179 Guptil Rd, Waterbury, Vermont, United States

2023 Empty Bowl Event to raise relief funds for flooded farms and families The Mud Studio, a pottery studio and gallery in Waterbury is pairing up with Blockhouse Studio in […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Lawson's Finest Liquids - Sip o; Sunshine