
Mad River Valley Community Calendar

Powered by Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce and The Valley Reporter

The Mad River Valley Community Calendar is The Valley’s most comprehensive events calendar. All are invited to submit their event here:


Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce and The Valley Reporter logos

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Home Design/Build

Yestermorrow Design/Build School 7865 Main Street, Waitsfield

This course has been offered since 1980 and is the heart of our curriculum. It is appropriate for a range of individuals, from the person who wants to “do it […]

Climate and Ecology Book Discussion

Joslin Memorial Library 4391 Main Street, Waitsfield

In partnership with the MRV Libraries and the Friends of the Mad River, this month’s book discussion is about “Migrations” by Charlotte McConaghy. Set in a future where many animals […]

Harwood Band Night

Harwood Union High School 458 VT RTE 100, Moretown, VT, United States

The March 14 concert features all of the bands from HUUSD grades 6 – 12.  It is an opportunity for all of the district 6th grade bands to perform together […]

Book Club: Last Night at the Telegraph Club

Harwood Union High School Library 458 Route 100, Duxbury, VT

Join us for community, discussion, and fun! When: Monday, April 15 at 5:30 Where: Harwood Union High School Library No pre-registration required. Just drop by! Email:


Zoom Meeting 123 Main Street, Anytown, Vermont, United States

Join us online for a general information session for prospective students. We are beginning to offer these information sessions as a time for folks to learn more about our school […]

Spring Hill School’s Bid & Boogie

Bliss Ridge Farm 216 Gove Road, Moretown, Vermont, United States

Help Spring Hill School celebrate 40 years of helping children (and grown ups) grow! Coming up Saturday, June 1st is the second part of our annual fundraiser “The Bid & […]

Treasure Island

Hardwood Union 458 VT RTE 100, Moretown, VT

Presented by Harwood Union Theater Thursday, November 7-through-saturday, November 9 7 p.m. at the Harwood Union High School Theater   Tickets are $10 adults & $5 students Limited Seating Available […]

Treasure Island

Hardwood Union 458 VT RTE 100, Moretown, VT

Presented by Harwood Union Theater Thursday, November 7-through-saturday, November 9 7 p.m. at the Harwood Union High School Theater   Tickets are $10 adults & $5 students Limited Seating Available […]

Lawson's Finest Liquids - Sip o; Sunshine